• 20 Jan, 2025

Kannada becomes 53rd language of Vatican Media

Kannada becomes 53rd language of Vatican Media

Vatican Radio – Vatican News adds Kannada as the 53rd language in which we provide coverage of Papal, Vatican, and Church news, offering the Gospel Proclamation in the mother-tongue of 35 million Indians.

Kannada has become the 53rd language of Vatican Radio – Vatican News. As of Tuesday, news in this language spoken by millions of people in India will be available on the Vatican News web portal. The initiative arises from collaboration between the Dicastery for Communication and the Archdiocese of Bangalore, in the Indian state of Karnataka. “I am delighted with the launch of these pages in Kannada,” remarked the Archbishop of Bangalore, Peter Machado. “News about the Pope, the Vatican, the universal Church, and the world will be of great interest and importance for the local Church in Karnataka. I thank our beloved Holy Father, Pope Francis, for his continual emphasis on synodality and on bringing the Church to the peripheries. The faithful will surely benefit from reading these articles and, in a later phase when possible, also from their broadcast in audio/video. I am sure that our Communication Center of the Archdiocese of Bangalore will bring the universal Church closer.

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